
I offer a tiered scale as an act of economic justice so that this work may be accessible to those who need the gift of financial flexibility. If you are able to pay at the requested rate of $175, please do so. Read the drop-downs below for a sense of where you fall on the tiered scale. If you are interested in working with me, but cannot afford my Tier 1 rate of $125, please reach out. I offer a limited number of reduced rate sessions.

  • Select this rate if you are able to pay for wants, own property, have access to expendable income and savings, have debt that doesn’t prohibit meeting basic needs.

  • Select this rate if you have limited access to expendable income and savings, have debt that doesn’t prohibit meeting basic needs.

  • Select this rate if you have very limited expendable income, do not have access to savings, have debt that requires sacrifice.

For more on the sliding scale as a tool of economic justice see Worts and Cunning Apothecary.