Cultivate compassion and find balance in the wild, maddening, and heart-opening experience of motherhood and parenthood. Work with me to integrate accessible, body-based practices into your everyday routine so that even under pressure you can respond to circumstance, tend to your nervous system, and communicate in a way that is aligned with your parenting values.
As a working, entrepreneurial mother of two young kids, I have a depth of experience recovering from burn-out, cultivating life-work balance, and navigating the complex demands of multiple identities — mother, partner, care-giver, professional, artist, activist, idealist. As a dancer and somatic practitioner, I know that the meaning of our intrapersonal communication is primarily conveyed non-verbally. Applying this knowledge to how I show up as a parent, I prioritize physical awareness and embodied presence with my kids to transmit messages of support and understanding. For example, how might changing my posture or how I take up space— resting back rather than encroaching and standing over my little one— bring more ease to the interaction? How might my sensitivity to how and when I offer eye contact, touch, or gestures of support engender a sense of safety, trust, and agency in my child?
I support you to deepen self-awareness, especially of your non-verbal communication, and cultivate embodied presence so that you may parent more skillfully and love at your best. Grounded in curiosity and care, our practice together will enable you to:
Develop self-soothing strategies (somatic and practical skills) so that you may stay present and grounded
Cultivate your sensory and physical awareness
Attune to non-verbal communication (yours and your child’s)
Integrate principles of developmental psychology and neuroscience to better understand your child’s behavior
Increase your range of responses when under pressure
These skills enable you to be flexible and adaptive so that you may show up, enough of the time, as the parent you want to be.
Postpartum Support
For many mamas/ birthing persons, the postpartum period is an experience of transition and transformation. Like many threshold experiences, it is marked by heightened contrasts: one body becomes two, exhilaration is matched by exhaustion, and the divine walks hand-in-hand with the banal. Everything is new and somehow instinctually known, and the passage of time bewilders as it simultaneously slows and accelerates. We are in love and we are terrified.
I support you to embrace and (gracefully) manage the dynamic and often overwhelming emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of new parenthood from the inside out. Integrating therapeutic counseling with guided movement, contemplative, and breathwork practices, I facilitate a process of connecting with your intuition and embodied wisdom so that you may firmly stand in your personal power and integrity. Sessions include guidance on body mechanics and postural skill building to gently cultivate supple strength, comfort, and ease.
Working collaboratively and creatively together, we will:
Create a healing and restorative plan aligned with your values and goals
Use voice and movement to facilitate emotional expression and release
Practice self-resourcing and self-compassion to (re)cover a felt sense of trust and safety
Work with boundary and communication protocols to articulate needs
Process and integrate birth stories and trauma
Explore somatic practices to relieve pain